韓德爾與神劇:彌賽亞(The Great Mr. Handel)

★導演:諾曼瓦克(Norman Walker)
★演員:Wilfred Lawson、Elizabeth Allan、MacClure
★索書號:DVD 987.83 5080
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The tumultouus life of 18th-century composer Handel is chronicled in this dramatic biography. The story begins when the self-exiled German composer adopts England as his new homeland. While there, he and the bishop of the Anglican Church get into a heated argument while they rehearse a choir for the upcoming royal coronation. The fight is over who is thebetter Englishman, the bishop, a native, or the ex-patriate Handel, who deliberately chose his nationality. The argumentative composer also has a row with the Prince of Wales, but he makes it up to him by writing the “Messiah.” Much of the musical score is comprised of Handel’s work.
韓德爾 The Great Mr. Handel
韓德爾(George Frideric Handel,1685-1759),巴洛克後期偉大的德國作曲家,歌劇作品之中以「賽爾西」(Xerse)最為著名。神劇「彌賽亞」的演出極為成功,使韓德爾成為英國最受歡迎的作曲家。他的弦樂曲有「水上音樂」、「皇家煙火」。巴哈、韓德爾皆出生於1685年。巴哈嚴謹的對位,過於拘泥傳統;韓德爾卻巧妙融合了古老歐洲的技巧與新英格蘭的口味,道出了巴洛克晚期的新聲。今日古典音樂之所以如此蓬勃興盛,巴哈與韓德爾功不可沒。
