外星生物在何方?Are we Alone ?

★索書號: DVD  367.9  2362  2010  v.1-2 
★請利用 本館VOD系統 觀賞 (校園網域內均可播放)
外星生物在何方?Are we Alone ?  本節目以全新的面貌來檢視人類首次登陸月球四十年來偉大的科學奧秘。地球之外是否有其他的生命形態存在?我們的太陽系能夠孕育或演化外來的生物嗎?而地球本身是否也準備好回答這些老掉牙問題?為了揭開宇宙演化的面紗,本影集帶你深入體驗最不可思議的答案。世界上最頂尖的天體生物學家和天體物理學家,利用地質記錄及生物影響的方式,觀測地球上多種綿延不絕的生命形式,範圍之廣,從加拿大死亡谷到智利冰川;從非洲嚴酷的沙漠氣候到加勒比海一望無際的海景。

The healing gardens of New York

★出版:The Cinema Guild
★索書號:DVD  635.967  H349  2006    
★內容:The Healing Gardens of New York shows the transformative power of gardens in people’s lives, through the act of gardening, and in enjoying the spaces that others have created. One neighborhood farm in the documentary serves as a social gathering place for the 100 families who cultivate the soil, and the crops are distributed throughout the community. In the middle of the road in Times Square is a garden on a tiny plot of land which would have died if not for the daily watering and attention of a man who, in turn, receives its restorative healing. Other gardens in this film include a large garden restored to its former glory, now providing a tranquil sanctuary for several communities; a garden at a correctional facility aiding in the rehabilitation of the inmates; and a labyrinth commissioned on the anniversary of 9-11, now serving as a space for contemplation. The New York City gardens shown in this documentary were chosen with care, each demonstrating the importance of access to nature in the midst of a busy city and busy lives.

Enabling independence – Service for Guests with Disabilities

★索書號:DVD  617.03  En11  2011
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees basic rights for people with disabilities, including full and equal access to your property and services.  However, it’s up to you to understand the best way to deliver quality service to guests with disabilities.
This NEW video highlights the unique needs of guests with various disabilities and identifies how lodging employees can accommodate their desire for independence.  It also covers expanded ADA requirements regarding power-driven mobility devices, service animals, and practical steps you can take to ensure the safety and satisfaction of guests with disabilities.

Lodging security officer

★出版:American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute
★索書號:DVD  647.94  L821  2011
The Lodging Security Officer Program provides general techniques and tips as well as hospitality-specific information that security officers and other employees need to provide effective security at lodging properties.
New or updated topics include:
Child trafficking/Protection of children*
Expanded bomb search information
Anti-terrorism/Signs of terrorism
Active shooters
Hostage situations
Handling the death of a guest
Revised ADA service requirementsThe program consists of:
four modular textbooks
one DVD supplement
one workbook with progress quizzesDeveloped in a self-study format—employees read the textbooks and complete corresponding workbook exercises, and complete progress tracking quizzes.  This program may also be used for group training.  Additional workbooks can be purchased separately.
The Lodging Security Officer Program can be used as a preparation tool for the Certified Lodging Security Officer (CLSO) designation.

腦的科學研究(The mysteries of bhe brain)

★索書號:DVD 398.9 3492 2012 v.1-6
請利用本館VOD系統  觀賞(校園網域內均可播放)
第一片:大腦節律器 The Brain Pacemaker
第二片:大腦的學習機制 How We Learn
第三片:大腦的運動神經中樞 Nerve Center for Movement
第四片:疼痛的研究 Understanding Pain
第五片:睡眠的研究 Sleep as a Source of Energy
第六片:克服恐懼的研究 Conquering Fear


★索書號:  DVD  308.1  3492  2012  v.1~v.3
請利用  本館VOD系統觀賞(校園網域內均可播放)
幽浮總動員(UFO Outbreak)-本集以精彩且立論嚴謹的調查方式,讓你一探究竟分別出現於美國德州史蒂芬維爾(Stephenville, Texas)、印第安那州科可摩(Kokomo, Indiana),以及麻薩諸塞州索斯威克(Southwick, Massachusetts),大規模的幽浮景象。
西伯利亞浩劫(Siberian Apocalypse)-1908年,一場巨大的爆炸徹底摧毀了西伯利亞數千里荒漠,其爆炸威力遠超過一顆原子彈。三名科學家跋山涉水,穿梭在災難現場,為得只是找尋引起該浩劫的蛛絲馬跡。
人體自燃(Spontaneous Combustion)-人體可在沒有與任何火源接觸下,體內突然起火?調查者應用最新的科技尋找人體自燃現象的各種答案。

搜尋海底城(Secrets of the deep II-The hunt for Atalantis)

★索書號:DVD  366.9  5713
亞特蘭提斯,這個曾被古代學者高度稱頌,且見載於各項史籍的傳說國度。您是否相信,真的有這樣一個城市,隱藏在那深不見底的汪洋中呢?Discovery Channel將請擁有高度專業素養的科學家和考古學家們,與您一起探索這個世紀之謎,為您剖析眾說紛紜的論點,並讓您親身駕臨深海之中,尋找那個傳說中已經消失的城市。

極地熊寶貝-拿努的歷險(Arctic tale)

★索書號:DVD  389.813  4142

光的世界(Light fantastic)

★索書號:DVD  336 9024 2005 v.1-4
★內容介紹:一部由劍橋大學科學史家謝弗(Simon Schaffer)製作的關於光學歷史的紀錄片.光學是研究光(電磁波)的行為和性質,以及光和物質相互作用的物理學科.傳統的光學只研究可見光,現代光學已擴展到對全波段電磁波的研究。
