
★索書號:DVD 520.7 8041
「魔鏡!魔鏡!誰是班上最聰明的小孩,誰才可以吃下這顆又紅又大的紅蘋果?」 這部影片紀錄了台灣扭曲的教育制度下國中能力分班的真實狀況。

公共電視教育影音公播網 (限校內IP)

Land resources and the the urban ecology

★索書號:DVD  333.73  L229  1993  v.1-v.2
In this set, a panel of
architects, engineers, planners, and developers discuss ways to maximize
land resources through innovative building practices. The set
emphasizes the value of an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to
urban design.


我們的島2012 (Our Island)-與工業區作鄰居

★索書號:DVD  545.2  8041  2012
公共電視報導: 公民素養陶塑計畫與人間工作坊舉辦之反空汙運動,由學生組成反工業區臭氣聯盟,發起千人連署,在100年12月23日走上街頭進行「黑色耶誕遊行」,提出合法理性的抗爭與訴求。
★請利用本館VOD系統  觀賞(限用IE,校園網域內均可播放)

Reducing water pollution(減少水污染)

★製作:Michael Schweisheimer
★出版:Films Media Group
★索書號:DVD  333.72  R249  2010
This video focuses on the protection of Puget Sound—a national ecological treasure—through the efforts of Washington’s Office of Shellfish and Water Protection (Health Science Cluster); a TV station that raises environmental awareness by reporting on the Sound (Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Cluster); a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the Sound’s ecosystem (Education and Training Cluster); and a local shellfish farm that sustainably harvests oysters (Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster). A Cambridge Educational Production. A part of the series Green Careers.

Social class

★出版:Insight Media
★索書號:DVD  305.5  So13c  2008
This program introduces social stratification and examines its
definition and study. It covers such topics as models of stratification,
stratification theory, ascriptive stratification, and global

Healthy cities (Alive: The Picture of Health Series-Healthy Cities)

★製作:Vive Communcations
★索書號:DVD 307.1216 H349 2000
Alive: The Picture of Health Series
The mission of this important series is threefold: about being healthy, staying healthy, and taking control of our lives. Each program features real-life stories and expert opinions, while focusing on prevention, healing methods and overall wellness. Viewers are encouraged to take charge of their physical, mental and spiritual health, and to recognize the influence family, community, and environment has on one’s total well being. And as our host and health and fitness guru Joyce Resin (BA, MSW) says, “Good health is our most precious possession, and for most of us it is easier to achieve than we may think.”
Healthy Cities
Growing cities also have to face similar problems, pollution, overcrowding, unemployment, noise, etc. This program tackles these problems focusing on the three E’s: environment, economy and equity. We visit the city of “new” Dalian, in China, where billions of dollars are being invested to make this city modern and healthy; also Copenhagen, Denmark and Rouyn-Noranda, in Quebec, Canada, are addressing these issues; plus we learn how “CODA,” an employment program, is helping the unemployed find new jobs, new opportunities, and new hope.


★製作:Asterisk Productions
★索書號:DVD 307.1216 C498b 2000
★內容:As the world’s cities grow and resources shrink, will we be able to live sustainably with the earth – and with each other? Can we take care of people and the environment? A community watershed project in Sao Paolo, Brazil shows us how. Can urban planning be a win-win for everyone?
This program looks at what sustainability means in locations as diverse as East L.A., Sao Paolo, and Curitiba, Brazil, Vancouver and Portland. Jane Jacobs, Bill McKibben, Bill Rees, California senator Martha Escutia, and John Ryan offer their ideas on what living sustainably in the world’s cities means.


★索書號:DVD  525.8232  5314-01  2011  

Babylon to Bombay :the city through time

★製作:WLU Telecollege Productions
★索書號:DVD  330.91732  B119  1991
★內容:Using examples from ancient Sumaria, Greece, Rome, and mediaeval and Renaissance Europe, discusses factors that contributed to the formation of early urban places and examines the form and function of these places. Investigates the impact of industrialization on cities and how the in-migration of large numbers of displaced rural people seeking work changed the nature of cities.


★索書號:DVD 536.211 6083-02 2011